Advanced search example

Advanced search example

This example is created from a support request that sounded:

“I’ve been trying to get a list with only AM, males, born between 1942-1960, that were reported missing from 1978-1985.

I cannot get a grip on how to do that and need your assistance – preferably in pictures…

  1. Start an Advanced Search  dialog:


  2. In the dialog click the Clear button.


  3. Remove the remaining conditions by clicking the number and choosing Delete(…):


  4. Now you should have a blank dialog.

    Click Add New Condition: and pick File->Status->File kind :


  5. Click on  [click here] and choose AM




  7. Repeat the process by choosing AM only->Demographic->Gender and choose Male


  8. Repeat by choosing AM only->Demographic->Date of birth->Year:


  9. Click on is equal to:


and change it to is between


Insert the years 1942 and 1960

10.   Repeat by choosing File->Status->AM reported missing date:
Click on before


and change it to custom period


11.   Insert the relevant dates:

12.   Choose the columns you wish to see in the search result by clicking Add New Column



13.   Save the search for later use by clicking Save and providing a name for the search:


14.   Execute the search by clicking



15.   You can test the search by disabling the conditions one by one.