Fulltext search

Fulltext search

The Fulltext Search searches for one or more words or sentences across selected DVI forms or notes. 

The 'Execute Search' button is not enabled before you have entered at least one search word of 3 letters or more and selected one or more pages to search against.

The response time is depending on the number of pages to search, so don't just select all pages if you have many files and only want to search within the page with i.e. jewellery (page starting with field 310).

Search text

You have three basic search modes:

  • No special sign means "Any of the words (like OR)"
  • Search sentence start with + means "Must contain all words (like AND)"
  • Search sentence start with " means "Contains exact sentence"

In example, if you type:

 Search phrase
Form text isblue shoe+blue shoe"blue shoe
She was wearing blue shoes and brown shirt 
A yellow cap with a shoe sign in blue

She was wearing brown shoes

Dolphin tattoo in green and blue

Your search phrase and included pages are AND-combined with all other groups of parameters on the search form. Only files that fulfill all queries are included in the result.

Search result

The result is organized by File Kind, then File Number and finally all matching fields within the file.

You can open the file and page with a match by double-clicking the match line.