

The General tab is the primary nominal search page group.

You may add nominal search data. The query automatically adds the * wild-card character to both ends of each text field. If you enter a family name of "sen", you will match both "Andersen", "Olsen" and "Sennick".

The resulting files must also be of any gender and an AM, PM and/or PUI files.

You can limit the list of matching files further by specifying more search criterias in the Administrative and Body Description page groups. Only files that comply with all values and at least one of the checkmarks are returned in the result.

To start the actual search after setting your search criterias, you have to click the Execute button.

The File Manager panel on the far right of the screen will open and display the list of matching files. When you add/edit a search criteria click the Execute button again, and the list of matching files will be updated.

To reset/clear your search, you have to click the Clear button in the Search Functions group.