Disaster Involvement Registration (DIR)

Disaster Involvement Registration (DIR)

The DIR (Disaster Involved Registration) System International  is a database used for acute registration of missing persons in the morrow of a major accident or disaster. Often a large number of relatives is contacting the authorities to report family members or friends missing because they assume their friends or family members were present when the disaster happened.

The information on all missing persons from the incoming calls is recorded in the DIR System International and so is the information on the persons found.

In the DIR System International it is possible to enter the most basic information about the missing/found persons as well as information on who is next of kin, who is to be contacted etc.

Using this limited information the software matches as many missing and found persons as possible and every time a person is eliminated as a victim the information on that person is removed from the database.

Later the information on missing persons who are not found is transferred to the DVI System International matching with the unidentified bodies found.