Initial agency and user setup

Initial agency and user setup

The initial agency and user setup guide differ depending on whether Forms or integrated authentication were selected during the installation, Integrated or Forms.

Integrated authentication

See: Managing Active Directory users (available from version

If your version is older than 

To initially access the DVI5 system, the AD DVI system administrator specified during the installation process need to be logged into the Domain where both users and WebServer reside.

The DVI5 system will be accessible at the url: http://[hostname]/plass.id.web

When accessing the url the  AD DVI system administrator will automatically be logged into the DVI5 Silverlight application. The bottom bar will show that You are logged in as administrator.

Mapping groups and roles

Click the roles button on the Administration tab

When the Roles window opens the Administrator role is pre selected in the drop down. Click the Edit role button from the ribbon menu:

In the Edit roles dialog enter the AD group name (prior to version 5.0.1 you need to enter the object SID), which is to be mapped to the DVI5 role. Members of the AD group will automatically be granted the permissions of the DVI5 role.

Enter the role name without the domain name.

Create initial agency

The first agency is created as described below in the forms authentication section.

Creating users

Click the Users button on the administration tab.

Click the new button And enter Active Directory (in the format domain\user), friendly name, agency. 

Once the the user is added, it will appear in the grid below where name, agency and culture  can be edited.

Forms authentication

To access the DVI5 system a username and password is needed.

For the first time setup of agencies and users, the system is preloaded with a system account which has the privileges to create agencies and assign roles to users.

The login details for the system account is:


Password: P@ssw0rd

Step-by-step guide


  1. Access the DVI5 system from a browser.
    Default address when working from the server is http://localhost/plass.id.web/default.aspx
  2. Change Sysadministrator password:

    At the login page click on "Change password".

    Enter "SysAdmin@plass.dk" in the "Email" field and "P@ssw0rd" in the "Old Password" field.
    Enter the new password twice and click "Change Password".

    At the login page enter the System Administrator email and the new password from above.

    The sole purpose of the System Administrator account is to create the first agency of the given country and assign an administrator account to the agency.

Create initial agency

  1. Select the Administration tab from the ribbon menu and click the "Agencies" button

  2. Click the "New" button and a new row is added to the grid in the "Manage Agencies" panel.
    Fill in the details of the agency. The first agency added is most likely to be marked as "Toplevel Agency" as it will have special privileges over other agencies in the country.

    The Country of this agency determines the country ownership of further agencies that this Toplevel Agency takes control of.

  3. Once the details are added, save the changes by clicking the Save Changes button (the little checkmark) in the panel tab header:

    Once the first agency is created, its ready for users to sign up to the agency.

Users create by administrator

Admin users have the ability to create new user accounts.

From the admin->users menu select "New".

Enter user details in the dialog:

The user will now appear in the user grid.

Now You need to approve and assign roles to the use as specified below in the "Approving user" section.

Register user

  1. Logout to get a new login page.
  2. From the login page, press the "Register as a new user" link in the bottom of the page.

  3. Fill in the account information using the password rules specified. The agency created by the system administrator should be selected in the bottom of the page.

  4. Once the details are filled in, click the register button.
    The user is then redirected to the confirmation page. The user is not able to login before the new account is approved by the system administrator.

Approving user

  1. Login using the System Administrator account.
  2. Select the administration tab from the ribbon menu and click the "Users" button

    Once the user management panel is shown the users will appear in the grid.
  3. Select the appropriate user in the grid and check the "Is Approved" checkmark (users will only have access to the system when this is checked).
  4. Then click the "Manage Roles" button.
    The "User Roles" dialog will appear.
  5. Select the "Administrator" role from the "Available Roles" list and
  6. Click the ">>" button.
    The Administrator role is now added to the user.

  7. Click OK to close the dialog and
  8. Save the changes using the Save Changes button (the little checkmark) in the panel tab header:

Once done, the new user is able to login and create agencies within the country where the agency reside. 

When running DVI mode a container is needed to create files, therefore the initial task of the newly created administrator. See the instructions here: Containers

Unlock user

If a user has been locked out due to inactivity, it is possible to unlock the user by pressing "Unlock user".


Log user off

As an administrator, you are able to log off a user.

Clicking the "Log user off" button will stop the users current session and force the user to reenter credentials.

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