Creating AD users by script
Creating AD users by script
When running DVI5 with AD integration each AD user needs to be mapped to a DVI user. This involves a manual process for creating each user and assigning roles in the DVI5 system as described here:
To make this process more automatic, the sp_AddADUser stored procedure can be used:
sp_AddADUser @ADUserName = 'mydomain\johndoe', @ADUserFriendlyName = 'John Doe', @RoleName = 'Administrator', @agencyCode = 'CODE'
The procedure is invoked with four parameters:
- @ADUserName : The username in the active directory domain including the domain name, written as: <domain>\<user>
- @ADUserFriendlyName: The full name of the user.
- @RoleName: The DVI5 role assigned to the AD user. The system is prebuild with 3 roles: "ReadOnly", "Form Editor", "Administrator", but the role name can also be a custom role added to the system.
- @agencyCode: The name of the DVI agency which the user is assigned to represented by the agency code. The agency need to be created prior to running this procedure as described here:
Initial agency and user setup#InitialAgency
The procedure is included in the version. Contact Plass Data if You want to make use of this procedure in a version prior to