

  1. All service calls can be reached from  http://<SERVERNAME>/Plass.Id.Web/services/b2b/B2BService.svc Example: http://plasstraining.northeurope.cloudapp.azure.com/Plass.Id.Web/services/b2b/B2BService.svc
  2. Dental Matching (available from version
    1. Dental Matching Demo
      1. Download and unpack https://dvisystem.blob.core.windows.net/server/DentalMatchDemo.REPLACEWITHEXE

      2. To run the demo ,edit the DentalMatchDemo.exe.config file.
      3. Replace "plasstraining.northeurope.cloudapp.azure.com" with your own server name.
      4. Run the DentalMatchDemo.exe from a commandline with the following parameter: -? to see usage of the program:

    2. The source of the Demo can be found in the folder "src".