DVI Version released

DVI Version released



Please note that to use the system, you must use Microsoft Internet Explorer 10 or 11. New releases of Chrome, Firefox and Edge browsers does not support Silverlight.

Release Notes - DVI System 5 - Version

** Bugs

* [MPUB-1798]-[DVISUP-418]-[CT282657] - "Unlock user" icon is active for the user logged in: The "Unlock user" icon is now behaving as expected for the active user.

* [MPUB-1837]-[DVISUP-435]-[NMPVS-139]-[CT287790] - Format of the Notes Print Preview has changed: To give enough space for all the data, we are not able to return to the original format.

* [MPUB-1902]-[DVISUP-493]-[CT302561] - Error importing V3 files:  Length of V5 Notes data is now adjusted to cover Length of V3 Notes data.

* [MPUB-1850]-[DVISUP-454]-[CT296894]-[CT296768] - Limit the Age range in Field 647: It is now impossible to enter and save numbers above 150 and below 0 for the years. 1800 and 0 for the months. 

* [MPUB-1930]-[DVISUP-507]-[317195] - Issue with password reset functionality: If a password for a user is reset by administrator to a password which has been used previously, the administrator will get a message saying just that.

* [MPUB-1931] Body Management: Adding body-containers to site fails if 2 or more body-containers are added simultaneously: Now fixed

* [MPUB-1932]-[DVISUP-512] - How can we disable user account in NMPVS?: Unticking the "IsApproved" checkbox in Usermanagement will now disable the user.

* [MPUB-1933]-[DVISUP-514]-[DVISUP-515]-[CT321386] - Insufficient message in Usermanagement when new password does not meet password rules: All rules will now be reflected in the messages the Administrator gets when creating new passwords.

* [MPUB-1934]-[DVISUP-517]-[CT321398] - Resetting user password - Cancellation not working: The cancel operation is now working as expected.

* [MPUB-1938]-[DVISUP-518]-[CT321660] - LastLoginDate changed with password reset: LastLoginDate now behaves as expected.

* [MPUB-1940] - MPUB report header: For PM-MPUB files the "Nature of disaster" on forms will now be the text "MPUB" and the "Date of disaster" on forms will be filled with the "Estimated time of death" date. 

* [MPUB-1941]-[DVISUP-528]-[CT327106] - User report "Primary Identifiers - Dental" showing incorrect listing. If data in field 630 had been entered, saved and removed again, the listing would still include this file: The report is now only shows files with data in field 630.

** Improvements

* [MPUB-1928] - AM 105/110 family relation - List in combobox is now a sorted list.

* [MPUB-1942] -  User reports - Add count to Primaryidentifier report.

** New Feature

* [MPUB-1929]-[DVISUP-508]-[317859]- Export Users list with required details: It is now possible to print and export the list of users to various formats.

* [MPUB-1936]-[DVISUP-490]-[CT302332] - Inactivate 'Unlock User' icon after user unlock time collapses: The "Unlock user" icon  will now become inactive when the locked out time has elapsed and the user is automatically released.

** Task

* [MPUB-1937] - Import V3 - "A0-Reasons for assuming" is not imported: The field has no INTERPOL forms 2013 counterpart, but is now imported to field 923 where it is combined with data from V3 field F1-78.

* [MPUB-1915]-[DVISUP-500]-Problem Filtering with 'Identified' options: To avoid misunderstandings when searching for MP (AM) cases located alive, we disable the option to combine the "Located Alive"  and  "Identified/Unidentified" parameters, to give a clean result.

Download small files

If you are on a slow and unstable connection, you can download the installation in smaller portions of 100 MB per file.

For the server installation, download the following files:







Rename "DVI5.0.3.0.part1.REPLACEWITH_EXE" to "DVI5.0.3.0.part1.exe" and run it. This will unpack the setup file.

For the single user installation, download the following files:















Rename "DVI5.0.3.0Single.part01.REPLACEWITH_EXE" to "DVI5.0.3.0Single.part01.exe" and run it. This will unpack the setup file.