DVI Version released



Please note that to use the system, you must use Microsoft Internet Explorer. New releases of Chrome, Firefox and Edge browsers does not support Silverlight.

Release Notes - DVI System 5 - Version

** New Features / Improvements:

* [MPUB-1793] - New feature to track DNA Specimens from field 545, see DNA Specimen Manager
* [MPUB-1840] - [DVISUP-413] - [CT280996] Password Expire - New informative message.
* [MPUB-1848] - Export organization - Include BodyContainerType, Shelves etc
* [MPUB-1849] - User management deeper integrated with Active Directory, see Managing Active Directory users (available from version
* [MPUB-1862] - Add button to "Mirror" an attachment/image next to the "Rotate" buttons.
* [MPUB-1898] - [DVISUP-489] Inform users that the password change was successful.
* [MPUB-1899] - Ability to only allow upload of specific file type filenames, see Configuring restrictions for uploading of certain file types.

** Bugs fixed:

* [MPUB-1547] - Translation of Notification - When adding a new user, the resulting notification wasn't translated.
* [MPUB-1648] - [DVISUP-267] Operations - Superfluous operations removed from the system.
* [MPUB-1750] - Export/Import - Export locks should be set AFTER export and thus not xported.
* [MPUB-1788] - [DVISUP-399] - [CT276808] Medical record 42 has a spelling mistake.
* [MPUB-1809] - BodyStorage-  Refresh issuse on network - Lacks timestamp on grid and print.
* [MPUB-1843] - Filemanager - When grouping on "Gender" all groups are displayed as "(undefined)".
* [MPUB-1845] - User report - The "Identificationlist" is always empty.
* [MPUB-1847] - Reference numbers - There is lacking an option to use an already existing number when using a duplicate number.
* [MPUB-1850] - [DVISUP-454] - [CT296894, CT296768] Limit the Age range in Field 647. Max set to 150.
* [MPUB-1853] - [DVISUP-446] Issue with Column C - ticked even when text not entered and then exited.
* [MPUB-1855] - User management - When creating or editing multiple users, only the changes on the first user is reflected on DVI-staff.
* [MPUB-1857] - Backstage Oprions - Field visibility settings was overwritten with Import/Export selection.
* [MPUB-1861] - Simultaneous upload of attachments with identical file names by different users fails.
* [MPUB-1863] - 600-page not loadable if imported as locked.
* [MPUB-1868] - User reports - Several reports are always empty.
* [MPUB-1902] - [DVISUP-493] - [CT302561] Error importing V3 files - Case notes in V3 could exceed the maximum length of Subject and Note in V5, which caused error when importing.
* [MPUB-1903] - V3 import - field 22A - "Important ID Information" is not imported. It is now placed in field 922 "Short summary of facts".
* [MPUB-1904] - UploadTemp - The folder should be cleared once the temporary files is not in use anymore.
* [MPUB-1906] - Import - Several records in field 235 after import of changed text in that field. It should overwrite the text instead.
* [MPUB-1910] - Attachments - Export - The export doesn't export attachments that is bound to a "wrong" field. E.g. field 100 where there isn't a C column.
* [MPUB-1913] - Import V5 - If FileID is removed from the xml-file to be imported, the imported File gets a NullGuid as FileID.
* [MPUB-1914] - Grids - Deletion of empty lines on  Previous->Next→Close page. Now, if there are lines in a grid that is not filled properly, they are deleted when you leave the page.
* [MPUB-1916] - "Close active File" function also wrongly clears Selected File.

* [MPUB-1854] - Installation - Deprecated dentalcode "gof" should be active.
* [MPUB-1864] - Installation - ETW logging - Is not properly initialized.
* [MPUB-1865] - Installation - Remove existing old .xap files.
* [MPUB-1867] - Installation - Internet Information Services should not be restarted during installation.
* [MPUB-1872-1881] - [DVISUP-464-474] Various German translation issues.

Download small files

If you are on a slow and unstable connection, you can download the installation in smaller portions of 100 MB per file.

For the server installation, download the following files:







Rename "DVI5.0.2.7.part1.REPLACEWITH_EXE" to "DVI5.0.2.7.part1.exe" and run it. This will unpack the setup file.

For the single user installation, download the following files:















Rename "DVI5.0.2.7Single.part01.REPLACEWITH_EXE" to "DVI5.0.2.7Single.part01.exe" and run it. This will unpack the setup file.