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  1. Installation
    1. Manual and install instructions. (Danish). Please note that the SQL Server should support Full Text Search.
    2. The latest version ( of DIR Classic can be found at

  2. DIR Classic integration to Persontjansten.
    1. To test the functionality of the integration, we provide a mockup of the service, which can be downloaded at: (selfextracting archive).
      1. To use the mockup, unpack the archive to a folder of your choice E.g C:\DIR\Mockup.
      2. In Internet Information Services (IIS)  Manager, add a new website:

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      3. Name the site, point it to the mockup folder and provide a suitable port:
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      4. To connect properly to the service from DIR, you have to edit the Dir.exe.config file, which can be found in the DIR install folder. 
        In the <system.serviceModel> section, edit this line:
          <endpoint address="http://pds-sys-akd10:2200/DataService.svc" binding="basicHttpBinding" bindingConfiguration="BasicHttpBinding_IDataService" contract="DataService.IDataService" name="BasicHttpBinding_IDataService"/>
        so that the service address corresponds to the one just created.

        Also edit the line    <setting name="UsePersonTjanstTest" serializeAs="String">         <value>False</value>       </setting>
        Set the value to True.
      5. Test data:
        1. The test data provided consists of 7 persons with the following fake Id's:
    2. After installation of DIR and configuration of the config file, start the system and change the language to Swedish:
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    3. Restart the program to let the language change take effect.
    4. Open a Disaster (Three demo disasters are provided with the installation)
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    5. Initiate creation of a missing person
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    6. Enter the id for one of the fake id's:
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    7. When the cursor leaves the last ID field, there will be made a search through the service. If there is a hit, the following dialog is shown:
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    8. Click "Ja" to create this person.
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    9. The functionality is similar when creating a Found person or an Informant.