- Access the DVI5 system from a browser.
Default address when working from the server is http://localhost/plass.id.web/default.aspx
At the login page enter the System Administrator email and password from above (email is case insensitive).
The sole purpose of the System Administrator account is to create the first agency of the given country and assign an administrator account to the agency.
Create initial agency
- Select the Administration tab from the ribbon menu and click the "Agencies" button
Click the "New" button and a new row is added to the grid in the "Manage Agencies" panel.
Fill in the details of the agency. The first agency added is most likely to be marked as "Toplevel Agency" as it will have special privileges over other agencies in the country.Info The Country of this agency determines the country ownership of further agencies that this Toplevel Agency takes control of.
- Once the details are added, save the changes by clicking the Save Changes button (the little checkmark) in the panel tab header:
Once the first agency is created, its ready for users to sign up to the agency.