The File Manager tab, found on the right hand side of the screen, manages the list of files returned by your latest search.
When clicking on a row in the File Manager, it will expand the row and reveal further information about the file:
- A main attached picture if it exists.
- Number of attachments on the file.
- Number of family members registered on the file.
- If DNA is registered on the file.
- If Dental data is registered on the file.
- If Fingerprints is registered on the file.
- If Tattoos is registered on the file.
- Details about the owner of the file.
- Which Container(s) the file belongs to.
- Creation, expiry and latest import date of the file.
- Legal Status.
Furthermore you can activate the file which is currently expanded by clicking
To change the active file just double click on the row/file you want to be active.
When using the File manager, the File manager ribbon is activated:
It includes three tabs: Management, Context and Layout.
The Management tab allows you to:
- Delete selected files.
- Manage notes or attachments on selected files.
- Print a set of filled forms for the selected files
- Import or export files.
- print a set of filled forms for the selected files
- set file status
- renumber file
- mark the selected file as first and second file in a file link operation
The Context tab allows you to
transfer a file to an agency
manage file restrictions
manage container links (e.g. link MPUB files to a Disaster Container)
Finally the Layout tab allows you to
print the list of search results
save the current grid layout
load a previously saved grid layout