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The linking and reconciliation process is a set of rules and processes that aim at reconciliating two files, based on specific forensic information (called "identifiers") and operational checks. During the reconciliation, the files are compared and checked in order to determine if they can relate to the same person or to persons of the same family.

General Rules

The principle is that the system only suggests a "potential match" between files.
Only the agency (and consequently the user of this agency) owning the AM file, or the agency owning the PM/PUI file, or the Disaster Container owing the PM/PUI file can undertake the identification.
Before the reconciliation is concluded and approved by the owners of the files, but however belonging to the reconciliation iterative process, you will be able to create links between two files (AM/PM/PUI), if these files are not restricted access to you. (In this case as you will not be able to see the file, you will consequently not be able to create a link with this file).
These links can have different states, such as:
 A formal link (with signature),
 A formal link which is still under way (not signed yet),
 An informal link.

Types of Links

Two types of Links exist:
 Informal link
 Formal link

An informal link is a kind of note associated to a file pair (a file pair is a set of two files that match together or include information that coincides ).This differs from a Note, that is only associated to a single file.
It can be considered as an initial step towards an identification process in order to gather evidence from both sides and lead to a formal link, if applicable.
It can be used as a preliminary process before going into a more formal identification process. This informal link will not request acceptance from the counterpart. It also does not change any access rights.

You can create the following kinds of Informal Links:
 AM/AM duplicate
 PM/PM Body Parts
An informal link is added by selecting a file pair from e.g the File Manager. Note: In order to be able to create a Relationship note, you need to be the owner of one of the two files.
Start by opening the File Manager and choose the first file you want to link by clicking on the relevant row. Then pin the chosen file as first file by clicking the Pin first file button on the far right side.

The first file has to be
 an AM file in case of AM/PM-PUI or AM/AM duplicate
 a PM Body Part in case of PM Body Part/PM
 a FM file in case of FM/PM-PUI
Next choose the second file you want to link by clicking on the relevant row. Then pin the chosen file as second file file by clicking the Pin second file button on the far right side.

The second file has to be
 a PM-PUI file in case of PM-PUI in case of AM/PM-PUI or FM/PM-PUI
 an AM File in case of AM/AM duplicate
 a PM file in case of PM Body Part/PM
Then you click on the Relationship note button in File Manager, Management, File Links group to open the Create a note dialog.

To create the Relationship Note click on the OK button after writing you note and the informal link will be added to your list of comparison reports (see section Comparison Reports for more information).

You will be able to see only the comparison reports involving files owned by your agency.

A formal link is started as a "Disclosure Request".
When two files are subject of an assumed identification or are probably duplicates of the same case, a formal link is created.
Three types of a formal link exist depending on the file kinds of the involved files (e.g. AM vs PM).
The type is automatically set by the System, when creating the formal link:
 Is identified to: AM vs PM or AM vs PUI
 Is identical: AM vs AM or PM vs PM or PUI vs PUI
 Is body fragment: PM vs PM

The formal link is created either from a list of file pairs e.g. Dental match results, or by selecting two files from the File manager, and clicking on the New Ident button from the File Manager, Management, File links menu bar.

Note: If the two files are not owned by the same agency, a file disclosure is needed.
Even if both files are owned by the same country, it is necessary to ask for disclosure in order to have access to the file which the user does not own.
Next the file disclosure dialog is showing.

The user enters his reason, and clicks on « ok » in order to send a request for disclosure.
It will then be necessary to wait for approval of the owner of the file which you do not own in order to have access to the counterpart to your file.
This action will create a comparison report with status listed as "awaits FD Accept" (FD stands for "file disclosure").

If the request for disclosure is accepted, the status of the comparison report will change to "awaits owner to sign" and this will be visible in the list of comparison reports
If both files are owned be the same agency, no file disclosure is needed.

In order to view the current formal links on files that you own, you have to go to the Reconciliation menu and click on the Ident reports button ind the File group.
This will display all the file pairs that are subject of a formal link and include files that the user owns. These files are currently involved in a reconciliation

These links are made by members of your agency or members of others agencies (owning files that are assumed to be related to your files).
The owner of a file is a user belonging to the agency that owns the file. This user must have been granted reconciliation rights.

Identification Workflow

The identification workflow covers all the steps involved in identifying a missing person, connecting body parts or handling AM, PM or PUI duplicates, starting with the assumed identity of the two files, file disclosure handling, the comparison report, and the acceptance of the identification report.
The identification process can be watched using the comparison report list.
This list contains information about every file pair that has been registered as being an assumed file identity by the owner of one of the two files, and the status towards the identification.
Go to Comparison Report to get more information.

Types of Identification

Three types exist, depending on the involved file kinds:
1. Is identified to: AM vs PM or AM vs PUI
2. Is identical: AM vs AM or PM vs PM or PUI vs PUI
3. Is body fragment: PM vs PM

Comparison Reports Statuses

The following statuses exist for a file pair in the Comparison Report list.
The two files involved in the reconciliation process will be designated as file 1 and file 2.

Awaits FD Accept:

When the owner of file 1 has indicated that a file pair is a match, and one of the files is not owned by the user, this state is set. The owner of a file is a user belonging to the agency that owns the file who was granted the right to manage reconciliations.
When the owner of file 2 accepts the file disclosure, the state is changed to Awaits Owner to sign.

Awaits Owner to sign:

The owners have access to both files following the acceptation of the file disclosure by both users. The comparison report is being edited in order to gather evidence.
This state is changed to Awaits 2nd Owner to sign, when the 1st owner has signed the comparison report.

Awaits 2nd Owner to sign:

The 1st owner has signed the comparison report. The owner of the second file must sign the comparison report.

Awaits Identification Report:

Both users have signed the comparison report, and the identification report is being edited. It is mandatory to complete the identification report. When the identification report has been closed the three following states exist.
These states must be accepted or rejected by both users.

Report is "premature"

The report does not contain sufficient information to neither exclude or identify the file pair.

Awaits acceptance of Identification Report

The conclusion of the report says that the available information leads to an identification. Now both users must accept or reject this identification. Now both owners must accept or reject this identification.

Awaits acceptance of Exclusion Report

The conclusion of the report says that the available information leads to an exclusion (both files do not coincide). Files do not match.
Now both users must accept or reject this exclusion.

Identification is "Final":

Both users have accepted that the conclusion is identification of the two files.
File pair is now identified.

Exclusion is "Final":

Both users have accepted that the conclusion is exclusion.


The Different Kinds of Reports

Different kinds of reports exist regarding the reconciliation process:
 Comparison Report
 Identification Report
 Premature and Exclusion

Comparison Report

A comparison report is a document that contains evidences of the assumed identity between two files owned by different agencies.
This document is used to gather evidence all through the reconciliation process, from the beginning of file disclosure agreement to the issuance of and identification report or exclusion report
Three kinds of the report exist, depending on the file kinds involved:
1. Is Identical
2. Is Body Fragment
3. Is Identified to
Is identical:
When dealing with two AM files that are assumed to be identical (the same missing person being registered in the system twice), the kind of the report is set to Is identical, by the system.
Is body fragment:
As the name implies, this kind of report is used when two fragmented PM files are assumed to originate from the same PM file.
Is identified to:
When an AM file is assumed to be identical to a PM- or a PUI File, the kind of the report is set to Is Identified to.

Edit the Comparison Report

An empty comparison is automatically created when two files have been linked.
You can access this initial report when you navigate to Ident Reports.

Then click View and see the comparison report page.

Now you can edit the comparison report. Click the Add button in the Comparison, Comparison Management, Evidence and fill in your evidence and click Save in the upper right corner of the report.
Now the added evidence appears in the evidence list.
By selecting it (clicking at the evidence), you have the option to Edit or Delete the evidence. Remember to save the report when it's done.

View Comparison Report

If you want to see detailed information about a file pair in the list of comparison reports, click on the relevant file pair row and then View in the Comparison Reports, Management, CMP Report group.

This brings up the comparison report. Note: It can be locked and therefore not editable (if a padlock is visible next to the Filenumbers, the Comparison Report is locked).

Signing the Comparison Report

When the comparison report has been filled properly and saved, it must be signed by both parts in order to proceed to an identification report. This step closes the comparison report, and prevents any further updates by the owners of the two files.
The report is ready to be signed when at least one evidence is present (indicated by a green dot in upper right corner).
This enables the Sign button (for users who are allowed to sign).

You can click on the Sign button, and wait for the progress indicator to finish.
Now the report is closed for further updates, and a lock symbol is added to the header.
Note: You must have sufficient rights to execute the sign procedure. If not, the Sign button will remain disabled, even if the comparison report is ready to be signed.

Identification Report

An initial identification report to be filled is automatically created when the comparison report is signed.
When the filling is complete, the identification report can be closed for any further updates.
The conclusion in this report can then be evaluated.
All the evidences provided by the comparison report are automatically added to the identification.

Edit the Identification Report

To edit the Identification Report click on View in the Comparison, Comparison Management, ID Report menu

This enables the following buttons in the menu.

Now fill in your information in the page
When it's done, you have to save it by clicking on Save .
Next select the conclusion for the report:
 Identification
 Exclusion
 Premature
And click on Accept (Identification), Reject (Exclusion) or Premature in the Identification Report, Management menu.
Now the report is marked as closed (lock in upper right corner) and the reconciliation process is complete.

Premature and Exclusion Report

A report can be listed as "premature" when there is no sufficient evidence to conclude for an exclusion or an identification, and the owners of both files decide to stop the investigations until more evidence arises.
A report can be listed as "exclusion" when the available evidence leads to the conclusion that:
 The two files involved in the reconciliation process are not linked to each other, or
 not in the way the identification was led (for instance, the two files can belong to two sisters instead of the same person: in this case, the evidence cannot lead to an identification even if the files are related).

Consequences of an Exclusion

The report is closed for any further updates.
This will have legal implications, such as not returning the body to the AM owner, etc.
If the owners conclude an "exclusion" (contrary to identification); this leads to an "exclusion report".
For the exclusion report, PM/PM- and AM/AM-linkings, the "identification report" will be renamed to e.g. "exclusion report".
This result will be kept in the system and the AM and PM files will be released for normal use.

Consequences of Premature state

If the owners conclude that identification is premature (not enough information available), this result is kept in the system and the AM and PM files are released for normal use.

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