DVI System Transition

DVI System Transition

Web browser technologies are ever changing, and what seemed to be the future years ago is now being replaced by other web technologies such as HTML5 which is now not an emerging technology any more, but getting more and more standardized in the new web-browser releases.

The consequence is that we have now started the process to move the DVI System from Silverlight to HTML5.

One of the big advantages of Silverlight is that it is a mature technology, and that it runs without problems on many old browsers and operating systems, whereas HTML5 is only sufficiently supported on very recent browsers, such as Edge, Internet Explorer 11 and Chrome version 45+.

Silverlight, on the other hand, does not run in Edge or the latest Chrome browsers, so you will need to use an Internet Explorer (or older Chrome) until we have moved everything to HTML5.

It takes an enormous effort to move the system, and it will be done step-wise during the next 3-4 years. The plan is that the INTERPOL 2018 forms will be available in pure HTML5.

Apart from continued bug-fixing, the Silverlight client development is now frozen, and new features will only be added in the HTML part of the system.


Version puts an HTML welcome page in front of the Silverlight client. Dashboard has been moved to an integral part of the HTML welcome page, and the first new administrative features, such as access to the Audit Trail, are added. More than 200 improvements of the Silverlight client.

Version is planned to be released in the middle of 2016, but it depends on the release of new Microsoft technologies that are currently only in beta testing. More administrative tools will be included and probably an optimized reconciliation workflow.

This article will be updated as new information is available.

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